Left the organ. for a while now, and can u believe it on Thur last week elder phoned to ask if i have any problems and if they can come and give me a call.......asksed motive 1.so he can go back to hall and announce that now i am df or if he really loved me. Well if he did really love me i would have got this call 8 years ago. He said love was not that the only thing (to my daughter) WHAT!!! if you do not have love you have nothing, that is what the WT preaches but do not follow themselves. Phoned him back on Mon 23 said no. Well response was if you are not there on Sun 1pm 29 we will go ahead and do what we have to do. Not madmax please let me come to you study the bible only (not with the WT pub oh no!!!) show me what you have found out, let me carry this sheep on my back. Thank goodness as i can NEVER go back will be going back to vomit.
mad max
JoinedPosts by mad max
Get over it. The elders don't want to "shepherd" you.
by ithinkisee inwhenever elders hear the complaint from someone that "they never get shepherded or visited by the brothers" do you know what they do when you walk away?.
they look at each other and roll their eyes.
they make comments along the lines of "great.
question about the last genaration
by donald inwith 2014 only 9 years a way...how could it be one genaration to the great trib....am i off on this or does it seem the dubs have missed this one too...what is there explation???
mad max
In Coc, towards the end of the book, there was a photstate of one of the WT pages showing a pic of Noah and the animals, then it went on to indicate that this might happen to the JW, cant remember it was either for another 40 years from ? or if that failed then they could rely on the 120 years that Noah preached - starting from 1914, will bring the book to work 2morrow and see if i can scaan in page and print it on this site.
question about the last genaration
by donald inwith 2014 only 9 years a way...how could it be one genaration to the great trib....am i off on this or does it seem the dubs have missed this one too...what is there explation???
mad max
and then say THIS generation wil by no means pass away, i really really mean it this time my wonderful brain washed brothers, sorry (THIS)
But i did read in Crises of con. that they are gearing up all the JW to start to think about Noah and the 40 days or it could be 120 days he preached for.
What do JWs make of John 5:24?
by jaffacake inhow do they reconcile this with watchtower doctrine?
any thoughts?
mad max
This is what I think the wt are saying about the above that if the HEAVENLY CLASS believe in God and Jesus they will be spiritually alive there and then, notice only the HEAVENLY CLASS which they try to prove by quoting ..."seated together in the heavenly places.... Ep 2: 4-7, trying to prove that John 5: 24 is talking not about WHOEVER hears my word and believes but about the heavenly class.Then the same wt says that Eph 2: 20 - 22 means they the heavenly class formed into a "temple class" in which God would dwell his holy spirit as in a "holy temple" and only the heavenly class were Christ Body these ones would pass from death to life spiritually speaking. But now thats not all these ones must remain "in union" with Christ.
What I gather from John 5: 24, Jesus said that WHOEVER, that anyone who believes will have ETERNAL life and to me that means today to be spiritually alive. Now jw believe that they are the only ones who have the"sayings of life" but Jesus here is saying that if you blieve you will be made alive spiritually, you dont have to be a jw to be S/alive. Eph 2: 11 says these ones wee Gentiles sep. from Christ, now by accepting Christ, Christ spirit IN you (that you and the Spirit) they become ONE. ONE because verse 15 says, his purpose was to create in Himself ONE NEW MAN OUT OF THE TWO.
IN Christ the whole building is joined together and rises (quickened in the Spirit, being Spiritually alive in Christ) to become a holy temple IN the Lord, (because Christ dwells in us) and in him (Christ) you too are being built together to become a dwelling wn which God lives by his Spirit.
Then they quote John 15: 4 there bible says "in union with Christ Jesus", wrong it says "remain IN ME and I will remain IN YOU. So just from that one scripture which can be so simple, that today WHOEVER believes will have ETERNAL life and be made SPIRITUALLY alive, but no the wt cannot say that, because as one knows, they do not believe that all have a heavenly hope and it is not whoever, because it is as they believe on JW and thru there org. you are saved. Whee sorry to carry on.
What is your idea jaffacake on this?
by carla ini have seen the term 'unbaptised' a number of times now, do you mean 'never baptised' or does the org actuallly 'unbaptise' somehow?
or does the term apply do those who are df'd or da'd?
thanks, carla
mad max
Hi Carla,
un-baptised? everyone and i mean everyone who is studing the bible (only with the jw) everyone who the jw associate with (shame these are the unsuspecting ones who the jw are HOPING to start a bible study with)
Now with regard to jaffacake's questions, this is just what this elder said to me only last nite, Mon 23, that I got babtized to serve the org. and i replied that GOODNESS I DID NOT KNOW, they dont tell you before. Ps the reason is they only interesed if you can answer all the 365 or so more questions before, in order, for you to take the plunge ahhh another one added to the "great crowd". Ps see Rev 7:9....great multitude ....(and where were they standing ..on earth..I dont think so) standing before the throne..." So there you are the great crowd are also in HEAVEN.
Anyway I was babtized, GOOD associate! (ps not to good, but thats fine with them) Years later went into "world" BAD associate, though they still spoke to me. Now I have Christ in me VERY D'F BAD BAD now will get D'F on Sun 29 if I do not conform, because I gave my life to the orgn. (they say) and not to Christ.
Have a great day.
Ps still new to this
by LouBelle inwelcome mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is if she gets this far.
well done!!!!!!!
mad max
Hi Everyone, whee I managed to find my way back to this page, yesterday it was a fluke. Wanted to say THANKS so much to everyone for saying Hi.
Weather is S.A is stunning, kitty weather ....purrrrfect.
Just to say a wee bit more re; the elder who phoned me last Thursday, well i got back to him last nite and said that I just could not go back to a channel who does not tell the truth. His reply "you have 2 options 1. write a letter of disassociation or 2. be at the kingdom hall on Sunday 29th May 1pm.
Well I cannot do either,so he said that they, the commitee will go on without me and you all know the rest.
Iam happy, do what they have to do and I will carry on living life in Christ.
Ta once again.
by LouBelle inwelcome mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is if she gets this far.
well done!!!!!!!
by LouBelle inwelcome mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is if she gets this far.
well done!!!!!!!
mad max
Hi Everbody I am new on this site. My story every quickly, if we could ever tell a story about what I came out very quickly but here goes.
Came into jw when i was about 22 years, got babtized the next year and then from there onwards worked my way to please man. Was 'strong" but like to question to myself about "things". For 16 years it was like that, then left when i was about 38 years, did my own worldley stuff for the next 8 or so years, but with the org very much in the background having all the family in. Some did not speak to me or invite me here or there as some of you know very well. Must say that my daughter Loubell always was there for me. Now and only now i can truely say with freedom that i fear no man as just yesterday OUT OF THE BLUE one elder phoned me to come and visit me to see if i have any problems...Hullo after 8 years, but fear not, I do not. I am well and truely over the mind controll thing and everything that goes with it. Now I have found peace of mind knowing i am not pleasing man anymore but God. Believe me there was lots to the above story (the inbetween) but must keep it short.
Well thanks everyone, great to be here.
mad max
Welcome LouBelle
by under74 ini just saw one of your posts and realized you're new here.
glad you found this forum and hope it's as helpful to you as it has been for me.
hope to see more posts from you soon.
Welcome LouBelle
by under74 ini just saw one of your posts and realized you're new here.
glad you found this forum and hope it's as helpful to you as it has been for me.
hope to see more posts from you soon.